Smoothie Benefits

The Benefits Of Juicers

Juicers are a useful tool that can help you lose weight and become healthier on a day to day […]

Smoothie Revolution

Living On A Fruit Diet

These days everyone seems to be looking for a healthy diet. Why? Because there is too much of stress […]

Sensational Smoothies

Keep Fit with Smoothies

Smoothies, Your Best Fast Food Alternative

Smoothies — everyone seems to be drinking them — why are they so popular? Smoothies can be one of the best “Fast Foods” your body can enjoy. Here are a few smoothie benefits: 1. By choosing the right ingredients, a smoothie can be a great way to cleanse and detoxify your body. This can help your health generally, but can also be good for conditions like acne. 2. Smoothies give you a real energy boost, not a fake caffeine kick. 3. They are quick and easy to […]

Feeling Tired, No Pep, No Zing, Tap Into Breakfast Smoothies

I’m 40-something years old, and for 40-something years breakfast has been a pain. Some of my earliest memories are getting ready for school with my mother insisting I eat a bowl of cereal. It just never interested me. Once high school started I was skipping breakfast and grabbing two apples on the run for lunch. All my life breakfast simply wasn’t something I got interested in or thought about until I made this discovery… Someone introduced me to the most amazing concept for breakfast. By now I […]

Do Smoothies Have To Go Now That I’m Trying To Lose Weight

It’s summer time and the heat is on. One favorite choice of most people for beating the heat is to get a smoothie. But for people trying to lose weight and not miss out, are there any healthy options? Yes. You can make your own smoothies. From a health point of view, blended smoothies are great for a concentrated meal that’s ready in a minute. You can combine a variety of fruit with some water, possibly add some dates or genuine maple syrup and make a delicious […]

10 Top Healthy Foods To Keep You Fit

Healthy eating and physical fitness go together, but there are no magic foods that cause you to be one hundred percent healthy by just eating the one food. No, you need a variety of foods from each of these food groups each day. It’s also important to watch the portion size so as not to overeat. Make your mealtimes pleasant and relaxed occasions and your healthy foods will work effectively with your healthy emotions to give you a healthy body. Berries You may like all types of […]